BNHV will open on May 8th, 2025
Season is May - September
Thursday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Sundays - Wednesdays & Holidays
General Admission Pricing
Guided Tours offered Fridays and Saturdays for an additional $2
Adults: $10.00
Military/Veteran: $8.00
Seniors (65+): $8.00
Children and Students: $8.00
Children(3 and Under): Free
BNHV Members: Free
Consider becoming a member! With a membership, you receive amazing benefits like free general admission, discounts on special events, classes, and more! Click Here to become a member today
Free/ Discounted Admission for Members of the Following Organizations
Animal Policy Pets, including but not limited to dogs, are not permitted. Service animals are permitted.
Event Policy Events are held rain or shine. In the event of a weather emergency, BNHV will adhere to governmental traffic restrictions. In the event of a driving ban, BNHV will issue full refunds for affected ticket dates.
Food and Drink Policy There is no food or drink permitted in the museum exhibits, the research library, or in Historic Village buildings. Food and drink are permitted in outdoor picnic pavilions.
Historic Structure Policy Food and drink are prohibited in historic structures. Due to space restrictions, strollers and wagons should remain outside of historic structures.
Photo Release Policy Photographers and videographers are present during general admission hours and at BNHV community events, programs, and workshops. Please alert the admissions desk if you would not like your photograph taken during your visit.
Refund Policy No refunds will be made for those unable to attend events/programs purchased for. In the event BNHV cancels an event/program, all event/program attendees will receive a full refund.